Ask the next Prime Minister to be a champion for children

We must make sure the next Prime Minister and Chancellor do more to make good childhoods a national priority.
The UK could be the best place in the world to grow up. But right now, it isn't. Children are facing more challenges. There are more babies going without support from health visitors. More children are growing up in poverty. And more young people are waiting months on a mental health waiting list. 
Soon there will be a General Election. The first in five years.  
We can’t let another five years fly by without the change that children need. And we can’t let their voices go unheard. Children deserve safer, happier and healthier childhoods.

What are we asking for

Join us in signing our petition for the next Government to:
1. Work together to improve the lives of babies, children and young people
2. Put children’s needs and voices at the heart of decision making
3. Spend more of the nation’s wealth on babies, children and young people
For too long children’s voices have gone unheard. We have the chance to put Children at the Table. We need change. And that can’t be left to chance.  


What issues are children facing?

We’re working with young people to bring their voices to the table and talk about the issues that affect them. We want to make childhoods safer, happier and healthier, and give children equal access to opportunities. 
This is the situation children and young people are facing today:
  • 1 in 5 babies aren’t receiving their entitled health visiting check at one year old
  • 4.2 million children in the UK are living in poverty
  • 1.4 million childen are estimated to have a mental health disorder
  • Less than 4 in 10 children in the UK feel positive about the future of the country and the future of the world
We can and should do better - we need Children at the Table.

Sign the petition now

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Why we've come together

As the UK's five leading children’s charities, we have come together ahead of the upcoming General Election to call for children and young people to be at the heart of the next Government.